The Central Otago Hunt colours were first registered in 1989 when the Hunt was established. The Hunt uniform of cobalt blue collar with narrow gold insert on a black coat is unique to Central Otago. Hunt country takes in the Central Otago District ranging from Queenstown in the west to the watershed of the Rock and Pillar Range in the east. From Raes Junction in the south to Wanaka in the north.
Black Coat, Cobalt Blue Collar with Gold insert
Mr Jeremy Wales
Mobile: 022 601 7721
Mrs Gillian Beel
Mobile: 0276 364 031
Mrs Dinah Higham
Mobile: 0210 412 913
Sunday and Thursday or Saturday and Sunday
Member of another Hunt $40 (Adult) $30 (Junior), non-member of any Hunt $70 (Adult) $40 (Junior)