NZHA 125th Jubilee
In 2025, NZHA will celebrate 125 years. Celebrations to be confirmed.
In 2025, NZHA will celebrate 125 years. Celebrations to be confirmed.
Wed 19 - Sun 23 March
Helensville, Auckland
Tue 22 - Sat 26 April
Mahia Peninsular
Thu 25 - Sun 30 Mar
Eastern Southland region
Annual hound shows are an important part of the hunting calendar where the competition is strong as the various Hunts display the best of their breeding. These competitions encourage Hunts to improve and refine their knowledge of hound breeding and aim to develop their packs. Hound shows are also great social occasions where hunting enthusiasts get together and focus on hounds. Hound shows are held either on a Regional, North Island, South Island or National basis with the National Hound Shows being held on an approximate five year rotation.
Wed 23 Apr
Hosted by Mahia Hunt
Fri 28 Mar
Hosted by Eastern Southland Hunt
Many Hunts hold annual Hunter Trials. These are a fun jumping competition day restricted to Hunt members riding over hunter type obstacles. Most Hunts have a selection of some very old and highly sought after trophies.
Traditionally most Hunts held an annual ball. Now only some hold regular balls with other Hunts' just holding a ball when celebrating major milestones such as Centennials or Jubilees. These balls are a great social occasion for the Hunt district.
A necessity for all Hunts and some innovative ideas have risen over the years with events such as horse treks, auctions, and catering being included in the Hunt calendar.
Run during the school holidays are popular where Hunts encourage the participation of younger riders. The property hunted is selected accordingly.