Dannevirke Hunt

Established in 1911, the Dannevirke Hunt encompasses the area bounded on the north by the Tuki Tuki river from the Ruahine Ranges down river to Sanatorium Hill, thence follow the road to Hatuma thence to Arlington, to Porangahau Road, to Middleton Road to Farm Road, to Motere Road to boundary as at present (2006) of Motere Station, then along the western and southern current (2006) boundaries of Motere Station to the boundary as at present (2006) of Pareroa Station and thence along Long Range Road to the coast at Blackhead. On south, a line drawn from Tararua Ranges through Eketahuna to the East Coast. 

  • Dannevirke

    Chocolate Coat, Canary Yellow Collar

  • Joint Masters

    Mr Oliver Edgecombe
    Mobile: 027 276 1275

    Mr Maurice Beatson
    Mobile: 06 374 5523

  • Secretary

    Mrs Katherine Large
    Mobile: 027 685 9815

  • Meet

    Twice midweek and Saturday or Sunday

  • Cap

    Senior $40, Junior $20