The Hunt colours were first registered in 1941 (black coat with Old Gold collar) following Eastern Southland Hunt’s establishment in 1934. Boundaries (1989) include territory within a line drawn from Toetoes Harbour to Edendale to Waitane to Balfour to Waikaia to Edievale to Carterhope to Cannibal Bay. In 2011 the boundaries were updated to include that territory within a line drawn from Fortrose to Hedgehope to Balfour to Waikaia to Edievale to the Clutha River and seaward.
Black Coat, Old Gold Collar
Mrs Lynley Daly
Mobile: 0272 299 840
Mrs Jane Pullar
Mobile: 0276 724 828
Saturday and/or Sunday and Wednesday
Senior $40, visitor from another Hunt $30, Junior $20