Hawke's Bay Hunt

Established in 1891 with colours first registered in 1912, the Hawke’s Bay Hunt has been a long-standing equestrian feature in the region. Their colours were updated in 2008 to reflect those first registered in 1912 – Clerical Gray/Black Coat with White Collar. Hawke’s Bay’s boundaries were updated in 2011 to On the North: The Napier-Taupo Road to Te Pohue. On the West: The lines of the ranges from Te Pohue to the headwaters of the Tuki Tuki River. On the South: From the headwaters of the Tuki Tuki down river to Sanatorium Hill, thence follow the road to Hatuma thence to Arlington, to Porongahau Road, to Middleton Road to Farm Road, to Motere Road to the boundary of Motere Station, then along the western and southern boundaries of Motere Station to the boundary of Pareroa Station along the southern and eastern boundaries of Pareroa Station and then along Long Range Road to the Coast at Blackhead. On the East: By the sea.

  • Uniform

    Clerical Grey/Black Coat, White Collar

  • Master

    Mrs Bridget Hyslop
    Mobile: 027 611 1306

  • Secretary

    Mrs Fiona France
    Mobile: 0276 978 444

  • Meet

    Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday 

  • Cap

    Senior $45 Junior $20, non-affiliated Senior $55, non-affiliated Junior $35