Waimate District Hunt’s boundaries take in some spectacular country from the Shag River in the South, the Kakanui Range, through to Hakataramea to the Pareora River in the North and extending West into the southern region of the Mackenzie country. Established in 1882, with colours registered in 1906, Waimate District Hunt is steeped in hunting history – including the importation of hounds from England in the late 1880s.
Master(s) & Huntsman: Green Coat, White Collar & Red Waistcoat
Members: Black Coat, White Collar & Red Waistcoat
Mrs Fiona Hurst
Mobile: 0204 0148 568
Mrs Julie Dee
Saturday or Sunday and some midweek
Member of another Hunt $40, child visitor of another hunt $20. Non-members first hunt $60, thereafter $30. Social/non-riding friend of the Hunt $25.